Harmony Staking Dashboard (staking.harmony.one) also supports sending transactions on Shard 0.
Note: staking dashboard only process transactions on shard 0.
To send ONE tokens to an address, click the "Transfer funds" button and the send window will pop-up.
Input the amount of tokens to send and the destination address, then click the "next" buttons.
Click the "Confirm and Sign" button to sign the transaction.
Different wallets use different ways to confirm signature request. Please check the Wallet section for details.
Once transaction is signed, Delegate window will pop-up on the staking dashboard and display the transaction status.
It will display "Successful Send" once the transactions completes.
Check the validators page to see list of validators. Click on desired validator logo to direct to the Validator profile for more details.
Click on the "Delegate" button to delegate to this validator.
Enter the desired delegation amount or scroll the percentage slider in the pop-up Delegate window. Delegation must be at least 1000 ONE. Click on "Next" and confirm the signature request.
Different wallets use different ways to confirm signature request. Please check the Wallet section for details.
Once transaction is signed, Delegate window will pop-up on the staking dashboard and display the transaction status.
Check the validators page to see list of validators. Selected the validators you want to delegate to using the checkbox as shown by the image below, then click on "Delegate":
Now, on the new window, input the total amount you want to split between the validators you selected previously. On this example, we are delegating a total amount of 4000 ONE's which will be split equality between all the validators we selected. Each one of them will receive 1000 ONE's. You can split any amount you want, as long as the minimum amount per validator is 1000 ONE's.
Click on "Next" to confirm the delegations.
If a delegator decides to stop delegating to a validator, he or she can choose to undelegate their tokens from the validator. After undelegation transaction is submitted, the undelegated tokens will be locked until the end of the current epoch. Note that the unlocked tokens can be used for a new delegation transaction only starting from next epoch. This means the same token can only possibly generate rewards for you starting from the epoch after next epoch.
Click the "Undelegate" button on validator profile.
Signing process same as Delegate transactions.
This transaction will display on the Pending Undelegations section on the Portfolio page.
The earned block rewards are stored in a separate reward balance of the delegator, which can be immediately withdrawn to the delegator’s account balance. The block rewards can also be staked again to achieve the compounding effect of staking. You can only claim full rewards, not partially.
Click on Claim Rewards button.
Click on "Next" to sign the transaction.
Staking via browser is done via . There you will be able to delegate, undelegate tokens, claim rewards and manage your delegations. Currently, staking transaction are supported on and .
In order to choose their validators and manage their delegation, delegators have access to a range of information on the Staking Dashboard.
Portfolio Page
Delegators can claim full rewards and monitor validators in their delegation portfolio.
Amount of ONE delegated
Amount of ONE that available to delegate
Rewards yet to be claimed
Portfolio allocation
Delegation amount across different validators
Expected return
expected annual percentage return rate
Returned in
Epochs left until undelegation funds will be accessible
Reward (up to date)
Unclaimed rewards
Election status of the validator in current epoch
Validator list
Delegators can access necessary information of validators at a glance to choose desired validator(s).
Effective Median Stake
Median of ONE staked among the top elected slots
Total Stake
Total ONE staked in the Harmony network
Current block height
current block height of Harmony blockchain
All validators created & listed onchain
Validator currently selected & eligible to sign blocks & earn rewards
Not Elected
Validator currently not-selected to sign blocks due to low stake or insufficient uptime
Expected return
Expected annual return rate
Total ONE staked by the validator
Commission on rewards charged by validator
Uptime (AVG)
Signing percentage for this validator's nodes
Election status of validator in current epoch
The validators' moniker
Validator Profile
Delegators can check detailed information of a validator and delegate/undelegate this validator.
Total ONE delegated to this validator
Self stake
Amount of ONE staked by validator
Max delegation
Maximum ONE stake allowed by the validator, including self-stake
Validator since
Block number at which validator registered
Commission on rewards charged by validator
Max daily change
daily change in commission allowed for this validator
Uptime (AVG)
Signing percentage for this validator's nodes
Number of seats (bls keys) associated with the Validator
Elected slots
Number of seats (bls keys) elected in the current committee
Expected return
Expected annual return rate
Lifetime rewards
all rewards collected by the validator
Shards in which validator's BLS keys belong, shown order is based on time to add
Stake & delegation history
Stake and delegation amount for the validator at every epoch
Reward rate history
Expected annual percentage return rate for validator at every epoch
List of accounts that delegated to this validator and delegation amount
Delegator can access both intuitive and statistical information on the stake distribution among validators and 4 shards.
The slots occupied by this validator
Bid per BLS key
Validator's effective ONE staked
Validator's total ONE staked
Self stake
Amount of ONE staked by validator