
WalletConnect is standard api widely used by Trustwallet, Binance, Kava, and other apps to connect mobile wallet with Dapps.

Most existing connect works with a minor modification: allow support for Harmony ChainId. (example Viperswap PR)

Adding Harmony chains

export const walletconnect = new WalletConnectConnector({
  rpc: {
    [ChainId.HARMONY_MAINNET]: 'https://api.s0.t.hmny.io/',
    [ChainId.HARMONY_TESTNET]: 'https://api.s0.b.hmny.io'
  bridge: 'https://bridge.walletconnect.org',
  qrcode: true,
  supportedChainIds: [
    ChainId.HARMONY_MAINNET, // harmony
    ChainId.HARMONY_TESTNET // harmony testnet

Full dApp implementation

Follow the tutorials on https://docs.walletconnect.com for the respective platform.

For web, there is a reference implementation available at https://github.com/hashmesan/sef-walletconnect-example-dapp

Live demo: https://hashmesan.github.io/sef-walletconnect-example-dapp/

Current supported mobile wallets

Last updated