Voting via HMY CLI

Make sure to read the introduction and rules here first.

To install HMY CLI head here.

For a complete reference on all available commands for governance:

./hmy governance --help

Vote on Proposal

./hmy governance vote-proposal --proposal=<replace-with-propose-0x-hash> --choice=1 --node="" --key=<replace-with-your-local-key-name> --passphrase

./hmy governance vote-proposal --proposal=<replace-with-propose-0x-hash> --choice=2 --node="" --key=<replace-with-your-local-key-name> --passphrase

./hmy governance vote-proposal --proposal=<replace-with-propose-0x-hash> --choice=3 --node="" --key=<replace-with-your-local-key-name> --passphrase

key is the key name of your validator imported via hmy and available in ./hmy keys list

Last updated