(deprecated) Using Node.sh

This option is deprecated and is not supported anymore. Please setup your node Using Node Binary.

1. Download Node.sh

Before we proceed to next steps we need to download the necessary files:

curl -LO https://harmony.one/node.sh && chmod +x node.sh
./node.sh -d && mv staging/* ./

Check the node binary and node.sh version that was downloaded:

./harmony -V
./node.sh -v

2. Setup Node.sh

You can run your the node using flags parsing:

./node.sh -D -S -z

A full list of active flags as well as examples can be access through running node.sh with --help option:

./node.sh --help


Usage: node.sh [options]

   -c             back up database/logs and start clean (not for mainnet)
                  (use only when directed by Harmony)
   -C             disable interactive console for bls passphrase (default: enabled)
   -1             do not loop; run once and exit
   -h             print this help and exit
   -k KEYFILE     use the given BLS key files
   -s             run setup env only (must run as root)
   -S             run the node.sh as non-root user (default: run as root)
   -p passfile    use the given BLS passphrase file
   -d             just download the Harmony binaries (default: off)
   -D             do not download Harmony binaries (default: download when start)
   -N network     join the given network (mainnet, testnet, staking, partner, stress, devnet, tnet; default: mainnet)
   -n port        specify the public base port of the node (default: 9000)
   -T nodetype    specify the node type (validator, explorer; default: validator)
   -i shardid     specify the shard id (valid only with explorer node; default: 1)
   -a dbfile      specify the db file to download (default:off)
   -U FOLDER      specify the upgrade folder to download binaries
   -P             enable public rpc end point (default:off)
   -v             print out the version of the node.sh
   -V             print out the version of the Harmony binary
   -z             run in staking mode
   -y             run in legacy, foundational-node mode (default)
   -Y             verify the signature of the downloaded binaries (default: off)
   -m minpeer     specify minpeers for bootstrap (default: 6)
   -f blsfolder   folder that stores the bls keys and corresponding passphrases (default: ./.hmy/blskeys)
   -A             enable archival node mode (default: off)
   -B blacklist   specify file containing blacklisted accounts as a newline delimited file (default: ./.hmy/blacklist.txt)
   -r address     start a pprof profiling server listening on the specified address
   -I             use statically linked Harmony binary (default: true)
   -R tracefile   enable p2p trace using tracefile (default: off)
   -l             limit broadcasting of invalid transactions (default: off)
   -L log_level   logging verbosity: 0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=detail (default: 3)

# start node program with all key/passphrase under .hmy/blskeys
# first try to unlock account with .pass file. If pass file not exist or cannot decrypt, prompt to get passphrase.
   node.sh -S 

# start node program w/o accounts
   node.sh -S -k mybls1.key,mybls2.key

# download beacon chain (shard0) db snapshot
   node.sh -i 0 -b

# just re-download the harmony binaries
   node.sh -d

# start a non-validating node in shard 1
# you need to have a dummy BLSKEY/pass file using 'touch BLSKEY; touch blspass'
   node.sh -S -k BLSKEY -p blspass -T explorer -i 1

# upgrade harmony binaries from specified repo
   node.sh -1 -U upgrade

# start the node in a different port 9010
   node.sh -n 9010

# multi-bls: specify folder that contains bls keys
   node.sh -S -f /home/xyz/myfolder

# multi-bls using default passphrase: place all keys under .hmy/blskeys
# supply passphrase file using -p option (single passphrase will be used for all bls keys)
   node.sh -S -p blspass.txt

# disable interactive console for passphrase (prepare .pass file before running command)
   node.sh -S -C

3. Setup Systemd

On this example, we will be installing the harmony daemon for user harmony on its home directory. Daemon will be configured with sudobut it will run with the harmonyuser at the end.

Create the harmony.service file:

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/harmony.service

Add the content below to the file and save it. Change User to the local user you will be running the daemon and also WorkingDirectory to the home directory where you downloaded the harmony binary file previously. Parameter ExecStart needs to point to this same directory. On the example below we will be running node.sh using parameters -S and -z.

Description=Harmony daemon

ExecStart=/home/harmony/node.sh -D -S -z


Give the necessary permissions to run the daemon service, enable it and start it:

sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/harmony.service
sudo systemctl enable harmony.service
sudo service harmony start

If you want to check the status of the daemon you can use:

sudo service harmony status

To restart, or stop the service daemon you can run:

sudo service harmony restart

To check your node follow instructions on Checking A Node.

Last updated