
Steps for maintaining your node with AutoNode.

Edit Validator config

After your validator is created, you can edit your validator config with the following command:

auto-node edit-config

This will open up a Nano session to edit the config. After you do your edits, save it by pressing Ctrl+X then Y.

After you finish editing, you will be asked to update the config on-chain. If you say yes, AutoNode will send an edit validator transaction to update your validator.

Note that the following are the ONLY fields that can be edited on-chain: "details", "identity", "name", "security-contact", "website", "max-total-delegation", "min-self-delegation", "rate"

Deactivate Validator

You can deactivate your validator if you would like to not get elected the following epoch. You can do so with the following command:

auto-node deactivate

Activate Validator

When you are ready to get elected and sign the following epoch, you can activate your validator with the following command:

auto-node activate

Inspect the Harmon Node logs

Node logs are saved in the following directory: $HOME/harmony_node/latest

You can view the logs with the following command:

vim $HOME/harmony_node/latest/zero*.log

Inspect the Harmony Node service logs

The Harmony Node is ran as a service, you can inspect the logs for the service with the following command:

auto-node node journal -e

Inspect the AutoNode monitor service logs

Similar to the Harmony Node, the monitor is ran as a service and you can inspect the logs for the service with the following command:

auto-node monitor journal -e

Last updated