Validator Information Terms
Definition of validator information terms
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Definition of validator information terms
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This page introduces main terms about validator infos in the harmony-mainnet-tracker spreadsheet, you can also read some of the terms in staking dashboard.
Annual Percentage Return (APR) is the percent return of rewards for the last epoch that the validator was last elected.
This field reflects the data of the last epoch this validator elected, not the current epoch.
For example, if a validator was elected in epoch 186 with 50% APR and they were never elected again, they will still display 50% APR.
Latest expected return is the validator's APR for the latest epoch.
The Expected Return field here is average of the validator's APR for the past 30 epochs that they were elected.
Validator uptime is calculated as:
Where s is the number of blocks signed by the validator and b is the number of blocks in the epoch so far.
If a validator has never been elected, their uptime will display as None in the tracking spreadsheet. In the staking dashboard, their uptime will be 0.00%.
Similarly to APR, uptime is also only updated if the validator is currently elected.
For example, if the same validator was elected in epoch 186 with 100% uptime and they were never elected again, they will still have 100% uptime displayed.
There are five types of data in this field:
eligible to be elected next epoch
not eligible to be elected next epoch
currently elected
Epos status is based on the validator's active status. The validator's active status will be controlled either by user or system (if detected low uptime or 0 self-stake). However if the validator is never elected, as long as he set the validator status as active, he will always be shown as "eligible to be elected next epoch".
There are five types of the data in this field:
NotBooted: if the validator was never selected/signed blocks.
None: when the validator is currently elected